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OZ LOCATOR AWARD: The OZ Locator Award is issued by EDR.

1. The award is available to all licensed amateurs.
All contacts need to have been made with OZ-stations after January 1st, 1985.

2. Base award: At least 10 Locator-Squares in Denmark worked.
You will get a sticker for the last 3 squares.

3. The award is given to either phone, CW or digimodes contacts.
Cross-band and cross-mode are not allowed.

4. The award is given to following categories: Phone, CW, DIGI, EME, MS,
and Satellite + band e.g.: 432 MHz Phone or 28 MHz CW.

5. OZ is "covered" by following squares: J047, J057, J046, J056, J066,
J045, J055, J065, J075, J044, J054, J064, J074.

6. Contacts via active repeaters do not count for this award.

7. Applications concerning this award must include QSL's (or photoocopies)
together with a list of the different contacts.

8. Amateurs, who have obtained the basic award, should, if they apply for sticker
for the last 3 sqares, only forward lists and QSL's (photocopies) for these.

9. The award is free for download as PDF.
If you want the manager to print the award and send it to you, the fee is $10, -.
This will cover the packing and postage.

10. Issuing of the award will take place, when all conditions are met,
and in the order in which they are received.
The awards are numbered from 001 on each band/mode.

Allis Andersen, OZ1ACB, Gyngemose Parkvej 11 2.th, DK-2860 Soeborg, Denmark.

Allis Andersen
Gyngemose Parkvej 11 2.th
DK-2860 Soeborg
Phone: +45 44 85 25 30
E-mail: oz1acb@wiland.dk