The award is issued by the Danish Lighthouse Society
The Danish Lighthouse award get you for QSO with Danish Lighthouses.
Contacts with danish lightships do not count!
Valid for the award are confirmed QSO's for contacts on/or after
1. January 1996 with amateur radio stations duly authorised to operate
from lighthouses in Denmark.
QSL and SWL must reflect QTH and photo or stamp on QSL or similar.
Do not send QSL-cards. Send a GCR-list showing full details of the contacts certified by the award manager of the national Society. The awards are printed!
1. Award 1: For confirmed QSO's with 5 Lighthouses in OZ
2. Award 2: For confirmed QSO's with 10 Lighthouses in OZ
3. Award 3: For confirmed QSO's with 15 Lighthouses in OZ
The fee for the award is: 9 $US, 50 DKK or 8 € .
The price include first class mail.
The award manager is OZ1ACB